My Very First Fundraiser

And my very first blog post since launching this website. And it's a request, of you! All of you. Well 200 of you. Here's the deal:

I have 200 envelopes labeled 1-200. Which means I need 200 people (that's you) to volunteer to take responsibility for one of these envelopes. Here's how it works: 

1) Shoot me an email, text, or radio signal and volunteer to take 1 (or 2 or 10) envelopes. You can pick the number! 

2) I'll send you your chosen envelope along with a self-addressed stamped envelope (or SASE in postal lingo).

3) Raise that amount of money. (Pick envelope 10, raise $10, Pick 200, raise $ get it) (Side note: I'm asking that you complete your fundraising by 1 April. That's 45 days give or take, plenty of time.) 

4) Return your check(s) in your SASE. Or you can paypal too!

5) Receive your tax-deductible receipt and free gift from me! 

Part of my mission on this run is to get as many people involved as possible, to make as many connections as possible. This is a fantastic way to get you all involved and raise money for some great organizations - and get you talking about this awesome adventure. Anyone can raise $200. I swear, even kids can do it. In fact, get your kids involved - they'll get an extra special prize from me. Set up a lemonade stand (or hot cocoa maybe for all my non-California friends). Put a swear jar in at work. Host a fundraiser with 31, Stella and Dot, Silpada, MaryKay, LulaRoe or any other small business. Ask your local restaurant to donate a portion of a night's proceeds to the cause. There are a 100 ways to reach your goal. And help me reach mine. 

As always, thanks for your support! 




Things I learned....Zion 100k


What Sports Can Teach Us, Even When We Don't Play Them